7 Easy Steps to Start Freelancing in 2024

Ibrahim Kazeem
5 min readMay 29, 2024


Hey fam,

How have you been?

Apologies again for missing in action. Hopefully, I am back for real this time.

BTW, who missed me?

Nobody, because no one has even gotten in touch at all.

I care about you all even though….

I have been doing intense learning and personal development. Hopefully, you have been doing much, too.

Today, I want to talk about an important topic for aspiring freelancers.

How do you start your freelance career in 2024? It is funny that many people are looking for answers to this particular question.

In this issue, I’ll guide you through seven easy steps to kickstart your freelancing career in 2024.

Let’s go on this journey together!

Step 1: Identify Your Skills and Services

The first step in starting your freelancing journey is to determine what you can offer. Consider your skills, experiences, and passions.

Here’s how to go about it:

-Assess Your Skills

  • Make a list of your strengths and what you enjoy doing. This could be anything from graphic design, writing, and programming to virtual assistance.
  • Consider your past work experience and how it can translate into freelancing services. For example, if you have experience in marketing, you might offer social media management or content writing.


If you have a knack for design and have worked on creating logos and brand identities, you could offer logo design services to startups and small businesses.

-Research Market Demand

  • Look at freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to see what services are in demand. This can give you an idea of what clients are looking for and how you can position your skills.

Step 2: Create a Portfolio

A portfolio showcases your work and proves your capabilities to potential clients. It’s your chance to make a great first impression.

-Start Building Your Portfolio

  • Collect samples of your best work. If you’re just starting and don’t have client work to show, create sample projects.
  • Use platforms like Behance for design work, GitHub for coding projects, or start a blog to showcase your writing.


  • If you’re a writer, create a blog or contribute to online publications to build a portfolio of articles. You could also write sample articles on topics you want to focus on.

-Keep It Updated

  • Regularly update your portfolio with new projects and accomplishments. This shows that you are active and continuously improving.

Step 3: Set Up Your Freelance Profiles

Creating profiles on freelance marketplaces is essential for finding clients and getting your first gigs.

-Choose the Right Platforms

  • Sign up on popular freelance websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, or specialized platforms relevant to your niche (e.g., 99designs for designers).

-Optimize Your Profile

  • Write a compelling profile summary that highlights your skills, experience, and what you can offer clients. Use clear, concise language and focus on the value you provide.
  • Add a professional photo and fill out all relevant sections, including your portfolio, work history, and skills.


A web developer might write, “I am a web developer with over 5 years of experience in building responsive websites and e-commerce solutions.

My skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Shopify. I am passionate about creating user-friendly websites that help businesses grow.”

Step 4: Set Your Rates and Services

Deciding how much to charge can be challenging, especially when you’re just starting. Here’s how to approach it:

-Research Industry Standards

  • Look at what other freelancers in your field are charging. Freelance platforms often provide insights into average rates for different services.

-Start with Competitive Rates

  • When you’re new, it’s okay to start with lower rates to attract clients and build your portfolio. As you gain experience and positive reviews, you can gradually increase your rates.

-Define Your Services

  • Clearly outline your services and what’s included in each package. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you might offer logo design, branding packages, and social media graphics.


A graphic designer could offer a basic logo design package for $100, which includes three initial concepts and two rounds of revisions.

Step 5: Find Your First Clients

Finding your first clients can be the most daunting part of starting a freelance career, but there are several strategies to help you get started:

-Leverage Your Network

  • Let friends, family, and professional contacts know that you’re offering freelance services. Word of mouth can be powerful.
  • Use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and showcase your work.

-Bid on Projects

  • Use freelance platforms to bid on projects that match your skills. Write personalized proposals that address the client’s needs and explain why you’re the best fit for the job.


  • If you’re a writer, search for content writing gigs on Upwork. Tailor your proposal to each client, highlighting your relevant experience and how you can help them achieve their goals.

-Offer Discounts or Freebies

  • To attract your first clients, consider offering a discount on your services or providing a free initial consultation. This can lower the barrier for potential clients to hire you.

Step 6: Deliver Quality Work and Build Relationships

Delivering high-quality work and building solid relationships with clients are crucial for long-term success in freelancing.

-Exceed Expectations

  • Always aim to deliver work that exceeds your clients’ expectations. Pay attention to details, meet deadlines, and communicate effectively.

-Ask for Feedback and Reviews

  • After completing a project, ask your clients for feedback and reviews. Positive reviews can boost your profile and attract more clients


  • If you’re a web developer, ensure your client’s website is not only functional but also user-friendly and visually appealing. Follow up with the client to ensure they’re satisfied and ask for a testimonial.

-Stay Professional

-Maintain professionalism in all interactions. This includes being responsive, respectful, and reliable. Building a reputation for professionalism can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Step 7: Market Yourself

To sustain and grow your freelance career, you must continuously market yourself and attract new clients.

-Create a Personal Brand

  • Develop a personal brand that reflects your skills and values. This includes a professional logo, a consistent color scheme, and a clear message about what you offer.

-Use Social Media

  • Promote your services on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Share your work, client testimonials, and industry insights to showcase your expertise.


  • A graphic designer could share before-and-after images of their design projects on Instagram and tips on branding and design.

-Network with Other Freelancers

  • Join online communities and forums where freelancers gather. Networking with other freelancers can lead to collaborations, referrals, and valuable advice.

-Keep Learning

  • Stay updated with the latest trends and tools in your industry. Take online courses, attend webinars, and read industry blogs to keep your skills sharp and relevant.

Wrapping Up

Starting a freelancing career in 2024 is an exciting journey that offers flexibility, autonomy, and the opportunity to do what you love.

By following these seven steps — identifying your skills, creating a portfolio, setting up profiles, setting rates, finding clients, delivering quality work, and marketing yourself — you can lay a strong foundation for a successful freelance career.

Remember, every freelancer’s journey is unique. Stay patient, persistent, and open to learning. As you gain experience and build your reputation, you’ll find that freelancing can be a rewarding and fulfilling way to work.

PS: If you want someone to hold your hand all through your freelance journey or for a clarity session for a little price, you can always send me an email at talk2freelancerpeng@gmail.com

Happy Freelancing!



Ibrahim Kazeem

Freelance Content Writer| Global Shaper| Social media manager | Husband| Email me on lbrahimkazeem93@gmail.com