Invest in Yourself: The Benefits of Upskilling for Freelancers"

Ibrahim Kazeem
4 min readApr 19, 2023


Image by pengwriter

As freelancers, we all know the importance of constantly improving our skills to stay competitive in the ever-changing job market. And what better way to do that than by upskilling?

‘Upskilling’ refers to the process of learning new skills or improving existing ones. It’s like adding extra ammo to your skill set arsenal. And in this highly competitive freelancing world, having a diverse skill set can give you an edge over your competition.

But why bother upskilling? Well, let me tell you why.

Firstly, upskilling can help you stay relevant. Just like how our parents don’t understand half the stuff we do on our phones if you don’t keep up with the latest technologies and trends, you may be unable to provide the services clients need. Technology is advancing rapidly, and you need to keep up to ensure you get caught up.

Secondly, upskilling can lead to higher-paying jobs. The more skills you have, the more valuable you are to clients and the more they will pay for your services. It’s like being a chef who can make a killer jollof rice and a local feast like Amala — you can cater to a broader audience and charge more for your services.

Thirdly, upskilling can help you work more efficiently. By improving your skills, you’ll be able to complete tasks faster and with better quality. It’s like how Superman can save the day faster than a regular hero because he’s just that much better at what he does.

Now that you know why upskilling is important, let’s talk about how to do it.

One way to upskill is by taking online courses. There are countless online courses available, covering a wide range of topics from graphic design to coding to digital marketing. And the best part? Many of these courses are free or at a very low cost. You don’t even have to change out of your pajamas to learn new skills. Examples of these websites include Udemy, Coursera, skillshare, and others.

Another way to upskill is by attending workshops and conferences. Not only will you learn new skills, but you’ll also have the opportunity to network with other professionals in your field. And who knows? You might even meet your future clients there. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get out of the house and wear something other than sweatpants for a change.

And let’s not forget about good old-fashioned practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. It’s like playing an instrument — the more you practice, the better you’ll be able to play that one really complicated song that you thought was impossible at first. And who knows? Maybe you’ll even discover a new skill or talent along the way.

Now, let me tell you a relatable story.

Once upon a time, there was a freelance writer named Adejumo. Adejumo had been writing for years and was pretty good at it, but he felt like he had hit a plateau. He wasn’t getting as many clients as he wanted, and the ones gotten weren’t willing to pay him as much as he thought he deserved.

So, Adejumo decided to upskill. He took a few online courses on SEO writing and attended a content marketing conference. He also started practicing writing more long-form content, even though he had always been more comfortable writing short articles.

And you know what happened? Adejumo’s skills improved, and so did his business. He started getting more clients who were willing to pay him higher rates because of his new skills. He even started getting more referrals from satisfied clients who appreciated his newfound expertise.

And the best part? Adejumo enjoyed the process of upskilling. He found it fulfilling to learn new things and challenge himself, and he felt more confident in his writing abilities.

So, fellow freelancers, the moral of the story is that upskilling can benefit your business and be a fun and rewarding experience. And who knows? You might even discover a new passion along the way.

But I know what some of you might be thinking.

“I don’t have the time or money to upskill.” Well, let me tell you, my friend, that’s just an excuse. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars or weeks of your time to upskill. There are plenty of affordable or even free resources available online. And if you’re serious about your business, investing in your skills is a no-brainer.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of upskilling beyond just your business.

Upskilling can also benefit your personal life. Learning new skills can boost your confidence, improve your cognitive function, and even help prevent cognitive decline as you age. Plus, it’s just cool to say that you can do something you couldn’t do before. Like me, even though I am not an expert, I find it easy to come out and say I understand on-page SEO and have WordPress publishing skills. Yipe!

And who knows? Maybe upskilling will lead you down a path you never considered before. You may discover that you have a talent for something you never thought you’d be good at. Or maybe you’ll find a new passion to turn into a business. The possibilities are endless.

So, fellow freelancers and remote workers, I encourage you to upskill. It’s a small investment that can have a big payoff. And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be writing a blog like this, sharing your story of success.

Until next time, happy upskilling!

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Ibrahim Kazeem

Freelance Content Writer| Global Shaper| Social media manager | Husband| Email me on