Why do everyone tell me to start today?
Often times, I have heard people tell others to start something. Whether you want to do a business, apply for a scholarship, ask out someone or take an important step towards career progression, I am sure you have heard "start something".
Starting something, like I later found out is a very important advice everyone should take.
One day, when I was looking for something to do after I came back from Niger, a friend told me to start something.
I didn't know what he meant by start something because he didn't give any clue apart from instead of thinking and being sad, why don't you start something?
I started thinking of what to start. I thought about joining some guys at a garage where they disengage products. I jettisoned the idea because of my frail stature and the fact that I am not friendly with liquor, alcohol or rum which normally give these people improved impetus to work.
Then I started checking online where I bumped into making money online. The first person I met and talked to billed me #50,000. I ran as fast as my short legs could carry me because if I had that amount, I would have been selling a thing or two.
Then I met a lady on Facebook that told me how I can make money helping her to sell.
Then, I started selling different things. I sold strapless bras for ladies and I became quire good at it. I sold bags, clothes, sneakers and a lot of other goods because I wanted to start something.
I didn't even know I could sell or convince anyone because of my withdrawn nature. As tiring as it was, I enjoyed every bit of my experience.
Then in a bid to start something, I continued my research into online work until I bumped into someone that out me through freelancing and opened my eyes to different things online.
Even though earning online is difficult, I only wanted to do take a step and start something. I used the last #2500/on me then to boost my first fiverr account. I didn't sleep for the best part of 48 hours because I wanted to start something.
I don't regret any part of that experience because apart from earning my first thousands without employment, I learnt virtually all the soft skills I would have learnt at the workplace. I started negotiating with foreigners, improved my communication skills and honed my writing skill I didn't even know was there.
Akin Alabi said he tried multiple businesses before he became known for the success of Nairabet.
Because he took a step and started something like my friend always say, He has been able to build an empire.
This is same for several successful businessmen out there.
So my friend, if you don't start something today, nothing will change for you.
Even if it's making a research, try something. I know it might not be successful as a beginner but the experience will stand you well in future endeavors.
I am just thinking a lot this night and I thought I should make my thoughts known to you,my friend.
If you can, say words of affirmation for me.
Enjoy the rest of your night, friend.